Disaster as a Service (DRaaS)

Is your business prepared if a natural disaster, power outage, or any other disaster affects your business continuity? With managed Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), we take care of the replication of your data environment to a private virtual environment that will provide failover in the event of a disaster. 

Our DRaaS gives you peace of mind by ensuring your data protection, limiting downtime, and shortening Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs). 

Why You Must Have a Disaster Recovery Plan


Every moment systems are offline is detrimental to your business. It affects your team’s productivity, escalates costs, and may cause irreparable damage to your reputation. A disaster recovery plan with cloud data backup and recovery will mean that in the event of a disaster, your business continues its operations, often entirely uninterrupted.


A disaster recovery plan for your business shields you against falling victim to ransomware or malware attacks. Every year, the escalating ransomware attacks expose businesses to the risk of data theft and loss. Not having a disaster recovery plan often leads to compensations in millions of Rands to criminals to reclaim lost data.


Preparing for potentially disruptive events can save your business millions of Rands and could even mean the difference between a company surviving a natural disaster and going bankrupt.


Businesses can get back up and running much faster after a disaster, or even continue operations as if nothing happened.

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